German Shepherd dog names don’t have to be German. Many Shepherd owners choose a German dog name, but there are many other choices.
In 2009, the German Shepherd dog breed was the second most popular of all AKC dog breeds. This popularity leads to “the big question.” What should I name my dog?
My neighbor raises German Shepherds for security workers, using Schutzhund training and certification. Her two most recent trainees were Deja, a name with English roots, and Excel, which simply means “to be talented, to do well, to surpass, etc.” Those are great German Shepherd dog names, but they are not German in nature or descent.
When I was younger, I had two German Shepherds. Their names were Baron, an English name that means “warrior,” and Kodiak, which has English and Russian roots. I loved those dogs and their names.
Take a look at the different options, below. If you don’t find the perfect name for your dog, send us a suggestion in the form provided. Frohlichen Jagen – Happy Hunting.
Male German Shepherd Names
This list of boy dog names includes more than 100 of our favorites. Many hale from Germany and some do not. Examples include Fritz, Rolf, Donner and Ziggy. Every name includes the meaning.
Female German Shepherd Names
This list of girl dog names also includes meanings and many are of German origin. With more than 80 possibilities, you may find the perfect match for your perfect pooch.
Other German Dog Names
For other German dog breeds, like the Weimaraner, Boxer, Dachshund, Miniature Schnauzer or Miniature Pinscher, browse this list for more possibilities.
Can’t find the name you like on the German Shepherd dog names list? With thousands more to consider, keep looking. Our big list of puppy names has more than 4,000 possiblities. If you have a name to add to the list, please submit your suggestion or story below.
What are your ideas for German Shepherd Dog Names?
We did the research and provided our favorite list of German Shepherd names, but you probably have more of your own. Do you own a German Shepherd or did you have ever? What is or was their name? Why did you choose that name?
Even if you don’t own a German Shepherd, you probably have some great ideas. Take a moment to submit your suggestions or tell us about your dog. We will publish your comments here for everyone to see.
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