Exotic Dog Names: More than 140 Exotic Names and Meanings for your Puppy

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Exotic Dog Names
More than 140 Names for a Exotic Dog

Got a exotic dog? Here are more than 140 extic dog names to consider.

Looking for a name for your new puppy but is sick and tired of the common names that people are giving their furry friends these days? Perhaps you would want something that’s mundane, something rare and interesting for your equally rare and interesting dog. Giving your pet an exotic name would be a very good idea.

You will not find “Daisy”, “Buddy”, “Cuddles” or “Duke” in our list of exotic dog names, but you should find “Zagar”, “Jamiroquai”, or “Bjork”. Yes, they do sound weird to give to dog but they are exactly what they are – exotic.

Tough Dog NamesTake inspiration from characters of exotic books like “Rountu”, “Atticus”, “Fell”, or “Azazel”. How about naming him after popular foreigners with exotic-sounding names like “Givenchy” (French designer), “Dali” (Spanish artist), and “Zdenka” (Czech athlete). How about any one of The Three Musketeers — Athos, Porthos and Aramis?

You can also take up foreign words with relevant translations. Examples include “Brayden” (Celtic for “brave”), “Calyx” (Greek for “very handsome”), “Keiko” (Japanese for “blessing”), “Kismet” (Persian for “destiny”) or “Lakota” (Native American for “friend”).

If you do decide to give your dog an exotic name, that’s great. Really, it is. But before you ultimately decide on it, try it out first. Say it out loud and think about calling your dog by it. How does it sound? If “heel Rumpelstilskin” seems a bit of a mouthful, you may want to reconsider. Or try to think about giving him a nickname (in this case maybe “Rum” or “Rumble”).

Below is a list of more than 140 exotic dog names for your dog. Browse or study the list and have fun. If you don’t find a name you like, return to the main puppy names page for more than 4,000 fun and interesting options.

AbramAbraham’s birth name from the Old Testamanet was Abram
AceAs in, the best. Top of the heap.
AdonisOriginally a Phoenician god and was known in Greek mythology as a favorite of Aphrodite. A favorite among tough dog names – especially for big dogs.
AdrianIs a form of the Latin given name Hadrianus
AesopWas born a slave and was known for his famous fables 
AlistairGreek origin and means “man’s defender”
AlizeA trio based in Ithaca, New York
AmbassadorThe highest ranking diplomat who represents a nation and is usually accredited to a foreign sovereign or government
AmmoShort for ammunition
ApolloOne of the most important and diverse of the Olympian deities in Greek and Roman mythology. Names of Greek gods make great tough dog names.
ArcherAn archer is a person who uses a bow and arrow
AresThe Greek god of war
AristotleA Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and a teacher of Alexander the Great
ArnaldoSpanish for “eagle power”
ArsenicThe chemical element that has the symbol As. A poison.
AtillaAttila the Hun was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in 453. Tough dog names from tough leaders.
AtlasIn Greek mythology, Atlas was the primordial Titan who supported the Titans
AxleAn axle is a central shaft for a rotating wheel or gear
BalbaA name meaning stuttering and stammering
BanditAn outlaw who lives by plunder
BansheeThe Banshee is a female spirit in Irish mythology, usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from the Otherworld
BarackBarack Obama is the president of the United States of America.
BasilOne of the many herbs and basil is especially found in Italian cuisine
BearAs in the animal. Great for the Big Dog Names list, too.
BentleyA very expensive car
BismarkThe capital of North Dakota
BisonAnother name for the American buffalo
BlazeMeans “flame” as in “fire”
BoA bo is a Japanese wooden staff weapon made in the shape of a walking stick
BorisA Japanese experimental rock band known for often combining and switching between different music genres 
BrahmaThe Hindu god of creation and one of the Trimurti, the others being Vishnus and Shiva
BrawlerA fighter. Quite appropriate for the tough dog names list.
BronxIs the northernmost of the five boroughs of the five boroughs of New York City
BrooklynThe most populous of New York City’s five boroughs
BruinAnother name for a bear
BrunoA mockumentary comedy film directed by Larry Charles
BruskyAbrupt, bluff, blunt
BrutusMarcus Junius Brutus was a politician of the late Roman Republic. How could you leave this off the tough dog names list?
BugaAn inactive volcano in the Philippines
BulletA gun shoots bullets
BundyTed Bundy was an American serial killer in the 1970’s
BusterLike Blockbuster
ButchA term to describe masculine traits
CaesarCaesar salad or Julius Caesar
CapoClamp-like device used on the neck of a stringed instrument to raise the pitch. Sounds tough, too.
CaponeA notorious American gangster.
CarlitoMeans “little Carlos”
CastorCastor oil is a vegetable oil obtained from castor
ChampShort for champion
ChicoA city in California
ChiefLeaders of Indian tribes are called Chiefs
ChopinA classical musician
ClarenceMeans “one that lives near the Rive Clare” and was created for a 14th century Prince’s name
ColonelA military rank of a commisioned officer
CombatAnother word for fighting
CometA celestial object consisting of ice and dust
ConanConan O’Brian has a late night T.V. show
ConfuciusWas a Chinese thinker and social philosopher
CoralPolyps that live in the ocean
CostelloAn English name that means “son of Oisdealbhach”
CrusherA machine designed to turn big rocks into small rocks
CyanideCyanide poisoning happens when aliving organism is exposed to a compound that produces cyanide ions
DakotaSouth Dakota and North Dakota are 2 of the 50 states in the United States. I just love this name in general, but it belongs with other tough dog names.
DamianMeans “to tame”
DelphiAn archaeological site and a modern town in Greece
DemonaA character in the show Gargoyles. She was consumed by hatred fo humanity and attempts to destroy it time after time
DesmondMeans “Man from south Munster”
DexterMeans “right-handed, fortunate; one who dyes”
DiabloA dark fantasy-themed action role-playing game
DiggerThe Diggers were an English group of Protestant agrarian communists
DukeA university in North Carolina; a member of the nobility. Need two tough dog names? How about Duke and Dutchess?
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DutchSomething from or related to the Netherlands. Also “Dutchess.”
DymondA town in Ontario; can also be a variation of “Diamond”
ErebusIn Greek mythology, Erebus was the son of a primordial god, Chaos
EugeneOne of the main cities in Oregon
FangA long, pointed tooth and also known as a canine tooth used for biting and tearing flesh
FidelFidel Castro is a Cuban political leader and fomer communist revolutionary
FitchLike the name brand Abercrombie and Fitch
GasparMeans “treasure keeper”
GenghisGenghis Khan was the founder of the Mongol Empire which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death
GiaGia Carangi was an American fashion model during the late 1970’s
GoliathA figure in the Hebrew Bible who fought against David, the future king of Israel 
GruntTo utter a deep guttural sound, like a hog does. Tough dog names deserve tough sounds, too!
GucciAn Italian fashion and leather goods label
HadesGreek king of the underworld
HamptonHampton is a brand of Hotels and Suites
HannibalWas a Carthainian military commander and tactician who is credited as one of the most talented commanders in history
HarleyHarley-Davidson motercycles
HectorIn the Iliad, Hector’s exploits in the war prior to the events of the book are recapitulated
HerculesRoman name for the Greek demigod Heracles, Son of Jupiter
HoraceQuintus Horatius Flasccus, known in the English-speaking world as Horace was the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus
HulkThe emotional and impulsive super hero alter ego of the withdrawn and reserved Dr. Bruce Banner. A must for the tough dog names list.
IceFrozen water. Think “cold,” “calculating,” and, well, tough.
IsisWas a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs
JasperOne of the vampires in the Twilight books
JawsA famous thriller film about sharks.
JezebelThe Phoenecian wife of King Ahab of Irael
JimboJimmy Donal “Jimbo” Wales is an American Internet entrepreneur and co-founder and promoter of Wikipedia
JuniperJunipers are coniferous plants in the cypress family
JusticeThe concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairnes, or equality, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics
KahluaA Mexican coffee-falvored liqueur. Dense and sweet, with the distinct taste of coffee, from which it is made
KaneGlenn Thomas Jacbos is a Spanish born-American professional wrestler and actor known better by his ring name, Kane.
KatoThe eleventh most common Japanese surname
KenyaThe Republic of Kenya is a country in East Africa
KhanA title for a ruler in Turkic and Mongolian languages
KillaThe first single by R&B American group Cherish from their second album The Truth
KillerThis one goes almost without saying.
KilohMore like a male name
KingAnother name for a Monarch
KlingonKlingons are a fictional warrior race in the Star Trek universe
KoaIn Hawaiian, this name means Brave, Fearless and Bold. Yes, it belongs on the tough dog names list.
KodaKumiko Koda, better known by her stage name Kumi Koda, is a Japanese singer and songwriter from Kyoto, known for her urban and R&B songs
KushKingdom of Kush is an ancient antion in northeastern Africa compromising large areas within present-day Egypt and Sudan
LeanderFrom the Hero and Leander myth, is a character from Greek myth, and has given his name to several individuals, at least one city and a number of warships and warship classes of the Royal Navy
LecterDr. Hannibal Lecter is a famous fictional character in a series of horror novels by Thomas Harris 
LennoxA Scottish surname from Levenach
LeonWas the King of Sparta, leader of the Greek armies at the Battle of Thermopylae
LibertyA concept in political philosophy that identifies the condition in which human beings are able to govern themselves according to free will
LucuisOne of the small group of common forenames found in the culture of ancient Rome
LunaThe Moon, known as Luna in other languages
MachoDescribes a person displaying manly characteristics, such as domineering, fierceness, bravado, chauvinism, etc.
MackMack Trucks is a truck-manufacturing company
MagnusMeans “Great” in Latin
MaloukArabic name for a male dog
MaverickThe callsign of the main character, played by Tom Cruise, in the movie Top Gun
MaximaMaxima and minima are the highest and lowest points of a function in calculus
MaximusClaudius Maximus is a 2nd century Stoic philosopher and teacher of Marcus Aurelius
MedusaIn greek mythology Medusa was a Gorgon, a chthonic monster, and a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto
MeekoThe raccoon sidekick of Pocahontas
MenaceA threat or danegr that causes intimidation
MitisAlso “Mathis” which means “gift of God”
MitsuCould be short for Mitsubishi
MohawkLike the mohawk hairstyle
MojoA supervillain in various Marvel Comics publications
MorayOne of the 32 council areas of Scotland
MustangA free-ranging feral horse breed
NapalmA thickening/gelling agent generally mixed with gasoline or a similar fuel for use in military operations
NichoAn object of Latin American folk art
NightmareA dream that can cause a strong negative emotional response from the sleeper, typically fear and/or horror
NitroNitroglycerin is an explosive chemical compound
NovaA nova is a cataclysmic nuclear explosion caused by the accretion of hydrogen on to the surface of a white dwarf star, which ignites and starts nuclear fusion in a runaway manner
OctaviusGaius Octavius was an ancestor to the Roman Emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty
OdinA major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard
OmenAn omen is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change
OswaldLike Oswald Chambers, the early 20th century Scottish Protestant Christian minister and teacher
PattonU.S. General George S. Patton of World War II fame. Appropriate for the tough dog names list.
PhantomLike the Phantom of the Opera
PharaohA title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods
PilotA fighter pilot is a military aviator trained in air-to-air combat while piloting a fighter aircraft
PredatorA 1987 American science fiction action film directed by John McTiernan
PrincePrince Rogers Nelson, otherwise known as Prince, is an American singer, songwriter, musician, and actor
RamboA series of action films starring Sylvester Stallone. This had to be on the tough dog names list.
RamessesIs the name conventionally given in English transliteration to Egyptian pharaohs of the later New Kingdom period
RaptorRaptor bird, a naturalist term for a bird of prey
RattlerMay refer to rattlesnake
RazorA razor is a bladed tool primarily used in the removal of unwanted body hair when shaving
RipperMay refer to Jack the Ripper, a pseudonym given to an unidentified serial killer
RockyLike the Rocky movies with Sylvester Stallone. Tough dog names and Rocky Balboa. They just go together.
RoxyA very popular clothing brand
RugerShort for “Ruggiero” meaning “famous spear.” Also a gun brand.
SamsonLike Samson and Delilah in the Bible
SargeMay refer to Seargant
SativaCannabis sativa is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family. Humans use this plant as a drug
SeeleySpecial Angent Seeley Booth is a fictional character in the U.S. Television series, Bones
SenatorA state senator is a member of a state’s Senate
ShakaThe shaka sign is a common greeting gesture often associated with Hawai’i
SmasherTo smash something is to break something into pieces suddenly, noisily, and violently
SocratesWas a classical Greek Athenian philospher
SpartaSparta or Lacedaemon was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece, situated on the banks of the River Eurotas in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese
SpearA spear is a pole weapon consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head
SpikeA fictional character created by Joss Whedon for the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
SteeleMichael Stephen Steele is an American politician who served as the first African-American chairman of the Republican National Committee
StetsonA well-known brand of hats, boots, apparel, eyewear, and frangrance
StormStorm is a fictoinal character that appears in a number of comic books published by Marvel Comics
StormySubject to, involving, or characterized by violent disturbance or emotional outburst
StrykerAn eight-wheeled, armored fighting vehicle
SumoLike sumo wrestling. Also good for the Big Dog Names list.
TankA tank is a tracked, armoured fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat which combines oerational mobility and tactical offensive and defensive capabilities
TerenceWas a playwright of the Roman Republic, of Berber descent
TerrorFear; An emotional response to threats and danger
TexTex is a typesetting system designed and mostly written by Donald Knuth
ThaddeusMost likely derived from the Aramaic word meaning “breast,” which would be a nickname for a close friend, as in “bosom buddy,” or a younger brother
ThorIn Norse polytheism, Thor is a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, destruction, fertility, healing, and the protection of mankind. Watch the Thor movie!
ThunderThe sound of thunder can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble
TitusTitus Flavius Vespasianus was Roman Emperor from 79 to 81
ToraThe law of God 
TramplerDave A. Trampier is a former artist and writer who worked on some of the earliest editions of Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game
TysonMike Tyson is an American boxer and was the undisputed heavyweight champion 
UlrichA Germanic name meaning “heritage”
UlyssesUlysses S. Grant was the 18th President of the United States
UziAn open bolt, blowback-operated submachine gun
VaderDarth Vader is a central character in the Star Wars saga, and is one of the main protagonists in the story.
VashA character on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
VegaThe brightest star in the constellation Lyra, the fifth brightest star in the night sky and the second brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere, after Arcturus
VikingRefers to the Norse explorers who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th century
ViperA water viper is a venomous snake found in the eastern U.S.
VultureA type of bird that scavenges on dead animal carcasses
WestonThis name just sounds like it should be on the tough dog names list. It is regal sounding.
WickedA novel written by Stephen Schwartz that a famous Broadway play is based loosely on
WolfGray wolves are social predators 
XenaA fictional character from Robert Tapert’s Xena: Warrior Princess 
XylonMeans “Woods, Wooded”
ZadaMeans “Prosperous, Fortunate”
ZaneOf Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious”
ZekeFrom “Ezekiel” meaning “God will strengthen”
ZeusIn Greek mythology Zeus is the “Father of Gods and men” who ruled the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a father ruled the family
ZuluThe Zulu people are an ethnic group of southern Africa

Can’t find the name you like on the Exotic dog names list? Don’t give up. Return to main Puppy Names page here with more than 4000 options. And, if you have a great name, tell us about it!