Papillonby Merry (South Carolina)
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I have a 2.5 year old male, neutered Pap. He is funny, lively, smart, curious, territorial, energetic and affectionate. He recognizes over 50 words/their meaning. As most Paps, he thinks he is in charge. He loves to play "keep away" with whatever he can find (of yours)-socks and tissues are his favorite, basically if it's on the floor or in his reach, he will "claim" it. Your job? Chase him until you get it. My Papillon is very sweet, and loves to give "kisses" but he is also sneaky. When caught "red handed" he will "pretend" he was actually playing with one of "his" toys. He is jaunty when he walks. Tail is always wagging. He tends to "pounce" upon prey (bugs, frogs etc) like a fox. He is also cat-like at times, with the way he flops around on his back while kicking a toy. I highly recommend this dog for an active family. I always see "delicate" when discussing this breed-it depends upon the size. My dog is 12 lbs and 11 inches tall. Trent is not "delicate" and loves to play "rough". Some Paps are 5 lbs and 8 inches high-they may be delicate. Dogs 2.0 468x60 -->
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Merry --> |