Giant Schnauzer – Best breed if you have time and courage

Giant Schnauzer – Best breed if you have time and courage

by Mr. G

(Chicago, IL USA)

I have a Giant Schnauzer and she is one of the best dogs I have had. She is great with people, other animals large and small, kids of any age. They are always safe and she is a great guard dog.

She is a funny dog. One thing you have to be firm with this breed. I am with her. I make her do things she does not want to do and in the end she does them - sitting on fire hydrant, sit on garbage cans 3 feet high, etc.

I live in an apartment and I walk 2 miles in the morning. Its good for my health an hers.

Please do not use a harness, gentle leader, pinch collar, only shock collar. Without the shock your dog will control you. I have used all types of dog training collars. Shock is the way to go.

About treats: puppy yes, adult dog no no!

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training supplies

by: liondog

You may be correct about shock collars working for YOUR dog, but I have a mutt (Boxer/Rottweiler/Alaskan Malamut/Labrador) which is the strongest dog I've ever owned (opened a heavy duty eye-hook, and tore the frame off a door). Trainers had me try everything. You name it; I bought it and tried it. I don't think you could suggest something I haven't tried. Gentle leader works the best. Who would have thunk?

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