As a Lab owner myself, I can appreciate your Labrador dog names. My 12 1/2 year old Chocolate Lab is named Bailey, a pretty common Lab name.
Licorice and Caramel are great names for a Black Lab and a Yellow Lab. Without seeing pictures of your dogs, I can only guess at what they look like.
There are also two Black Labs living next door at "the neighbors." The neighbors happen to be my sister and her family, as well as my mom and dad. Their two labs are named Molly, a female, and Buck, a male, although you probably could have guessed that.
Other friends have Labrador Retrievers named Tank, Tough, Ratt and Blackie. Our Bailey Dog, as we call her, has been one of the best dogs we have ever owned.
Every day is a struggle for Bailey since she is getting quite old, but she still brings us a lot of joy. Incontinence and arthritis just can't keep our Bailey down.
It probably doesn't hurt that our three Cockapoos are also egging her on most of the time!