Bindi – A Great Australian Cattle Dog Name

Bindi – A Great Australian Cattle Dog Name

by Linda Collins

(Norfolk, UK)

'Bindi-eye' - An Australian perennial plant that grows in lawns and grassy areas which bears a small, burrlike seed.

Colloquially, it is the prickly seed-case that is referred to as a 'Bindi' or 'Bindi-eye'.

Bindi is a great name for an Australian Cattle Dog (ACD) as it describes something that is small, sharp, and gets stuck in (into) the feet! (Also Bindy, Bindy-eye or Bindii.)

This is the name I have in mind for my next ACD puppy.

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Named for Bindi Irwin

by: Anonymous

My dog is named Bindi after Bindi Irwin. Steve Irwin said that Bindi meant "little girl" in the aborigine language. I googled it just now, and it is indeed popular for acds!

Great name for an ACD Puppy

by: Pat

Bindi is appropriate for an Australian Cattle Dog for yet another reason. It is very tenacious.

The bindi weed, as some would call it, is a difficult plant to eradicate. Its tenacity is very much like that of an ACD when it is herding.

Imagine what a sheep or cow might be thinking when they are being fiercely pursued. "Gee, I wish I could get rid of this pesky Blue Heeler (another name for the Australian Cattle Dog breed). It certainly is a nuisance."

OK, maybe it is a stretch to imagine Bessy and Bossy (the cows have names, too) talking to each other and referring to their pursuer by it's breed name. But they sure would notice how they just can't seem to shake free.

Aussies might feel the same way when their lawn is overtaken by the pesky bindi weed. "I wish I could get rid of this weed!"

Maybe I'm over thinking this one, but I love the idea of an ACD puppy named Bindi.

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