Beagle Dog Breed: History, Temperament, Care, Training & more

Beagle Dog Breed Information

Level of Energy  
Exercise Needs    
Level of Affection  
Climate Tolerance    
Good With Children  
Tolerance of Animals  
Suitable as Guard Dog      

Just The Facts

  • AKC Popularity:  4
  • AKC Breed Group:  Hound
  • Size of Male:  18-30 lbs., 13-15 in.
  • Size of Female:  18-30 lbs., 13-15 in.
  • Color:  Black, Tan & White, Lemon & White, Blue Shading, Red & White
  • Average Lifespan:  12-15 years
  • Breed Origin:  England
  • Purpose:  Field Trials, Trailing Rabbits, Pet

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General Description

The Beagle dog was originally bred for hunting. Their moderate size allows them to be followed on foot and they are often carried to the
hunt. Beyond hunting, they also love companionship, both human and canine, which makes them wonderful family dogs.

A very energetic breed, these small dogs love to chase things. Because they are very territorial and alert, they have a tendency to bark
as a warning, which makes them good watch dogs.

Origin and History

Beagles originated in England as a result of crossbreeding between the Harrier and many other hounds. Their existence dates
way back to the reign of King Henry VIII, when they were used primarily for hunting hare, pheasant or quail.

By the 1800s, continued breeding made
them available in various sizes, although the small-sized dogs were preferred.

In America the first mention of this breed can be traced back
to 1642. However, it was more than 200 years until the breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1885. Today, they are one of the most popular choices for a family dog.


Beagle dogs are very playful and extremely sociable. They get along very well with kids, so if you have a house full of children, this might be
the right dog for you as they love showering love and attention on their family.

Two important things to keep in mind with these dogs is that they love to follow their nose and they love food. The first may take them on an
exploring adventure that can lead to trouble, and the second may result in an overweight dog. Solution? Provide good boundaries and be very careful with their diet.

Care, Grooming, Diet & Exercise

Living Environment – The Beagle dog breed can live outside in temperate climates, but you must be sure to provide shelter and bedding. Because of
their social nature and innate need for companionship, their preferred environment is with other dogs and people. They do best when they can
balance their time between the outdoors and home.

Grooming – Because of their medium length coat they are very easy to groom. Daily brushing will remove dead or loose hair and will also
lessen shedding. Their ears are very prone to infection, so they should be cleaned on a regular basis.

Diet & Exercise – Because of their high energy level, this breed needs daily walks and play sessions. Ideally, a twice-daily brisk walk is very
good for their health. Because they love food, they often steal it, so you must keep a proper check on what they are eating and provide a good,
nutritional diet. Anything more than that can lead to weight problems (don’t give in to their begging).

Health – Life expectancy is typically 12-15 years, provided that you take proper care of them. Health concerns include ear infections and inter-vertebral disc disease. Their eyelashes also have a tendency to grow inward, which can cause irritation in the eye.


Beagle dogs are not the easiest to train as they have a tendency to lose interest when they pick up a new scent. Consequently, your training
regimen must be consistent and firm to be effective.

If you are raising this breed around kids, it is also very important to socialize them early
in the training process. Eliminating distractions is a critical component to successfully training your dog.